Quotes from the Movie A Nightmare on Elm Street

All day long I've been seeing that guy's weird face, and hearing those fingernails...


I dreamed about this guy in a dirty red and green sweater.


I mean it was as if there were four knives [looking down at his hand] cutting at the same time. But invisible ones. I probably could've saved her if I'd moved sooner. But I thought it was just another nightmare, like the one I had the night before. There was this guy who had knives for fingers.


His name is even in it, written right in here: Fred Krueger. Fred Krueger! You know who that is, Mom? You better tell me, cause now he's after me!


Fred Krueger can't be after you, Nancy. He's dead! Fred Krueger is dead. Dead and gone. Believe me, I know. Now go to bed. I order you, go to bed.


You knew about him all this time, and you've been acting like he was someone I made up!


You want to know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murder who killed at least twenty kids in the neighborhood. Kids we all knew.


It drove us all crazy when we didn't know who was doing it, but it was even worse when they caught him.


Well, the lawyers got fat and the judge got famous, but someone forgot to sign a search warrant in the right place and Krueger was free, just like that.


A bunch of us parents tracked him down after they let him go. We found him in an old abandoned boiler room where he used to take his kids.


It's too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream, too. You're not alive. The whole thing is a dream. I want my mother and friends again.


Do you think you can bring the dead back to life?

Freddy Krueger

You can't hurt me. This is my world. And you can't ever leave.

Freddy Krueger

Nancy, you are going to get some sleep tonight if it kills me.


I probably could have saved her if I'd have moved sooner. But I thought it was just another nightmare, like the one I had the night before. There was... there was this guy; he had knives for fingers.

Rod Lane
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